The Death of Expensive?
How many times have you heard this, “Ey, you are expensive hey.”? Step in that feeling of losing a client? Man! I used to go into panic mode when I heard these words. So what do you do? Do you drop your price? Do you let them go? Well, this post will let you in on my opinion when it comes to this global issue.
“How I feel after hearing, “You are expensive hey.”
Ok, here goes, guys, expensive is relative. Most times people will say something is expensive when they cannot afford it. Don’t believe me? Do you remember when you were a kid and that Jordan was expensive because you did not have enough to buy now you have 3 in your apartment. Ok before I get into sneakers let’s bring it back.
Just because they can’t pay for something now doesn’t necessarily mean something is expensive or overpriced. It just means they don’t have the money. If you are want to build a successful business (and by “successful” I mean whatever your financial goals are, whether it is to create wealth or just to be able to earn enough to live off and support your family without struggle), I want to challenge yourself when it comes to spending in your business carry this mindset. Whether it’s on a product, service, training, supplies, whatever.
Price is linked to worth/value , it needs to be priced according to its value. Clients/customers have to honor that. Do you want your clients to price your services/products for less than what they’re worth? How smart are those clients who hire someone merely because they are cheap?
So are you saying do not negotiate?
No, Don’t forget, the laws of the universe are in play here as well. The law of attraction. In our context, it applies as follows: “When you operate from a mindset of lack, cheap, poverty, you attract those very same kind of clients to you.” When negotiating do not under sell yourself NB: Note to self.
In closing lets talk about expensive, but rather value offering from the seller and customer affordability.
When it comes to investing in a business product, tool, service, provider, training, etc., find the right quality for you and then do what it takes to get it or make it happen even if it means having to save up for it.
Don’t expect a service/product to be “cheap” so that you can get something for nothing. When you devalue others trust me it comes back. Many if not all religions and beliefs believe in the Golden rule aka The Code of ethics, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”. Don’t believe me here is a link to where you can see this rule in other religions.
Remember clients and service providers, if you want to be valued in the marketplace, you need to treat, honor and respect others likewise.
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